Guidelines for Choosing Effective Wrestling Shoes

If you have developed an interest in wrestling, then this is the right time to start honing your wrestling skills by enrolling in local wrestling classes. With the right coaching and dedication, you might find yourself competing professionally in the future. That said, proper coaching and commitment are not enough. The sporting gear you choose largely determine your performance as well. While the shorts are essential, you should give special attention to the wrestling shoes as well. Merely going to a sports store and picking the first pair of wrestling shoes you see is counterproductive. This article provides a guideline to assist you in finding the perfect wrestling shoes.

Pivot Points 

Wrestling is a quick sport that requires rapid turning techniques. Most wrestling matches are won by wrestlers who can time their turning quickly and catch their competitor unawares. However, while quick turning is a technique that you must perfect during training sessions, it pays to have wrestling shoes that enhance the skill. Therefore, when shopping for wrestling shoes, look for a pair that has pivot points in the under-sole. The pivot points make turning easy and quick, thereby increasing your chances of winning wrestling matches.


As mentioned earlier, wrestling requires the ability to turn fast. While you can master the skill with frequent practice, the type of wrestling shoes you have determines the ease of developing turning skills. If you have heavy wrestling shoes, turning will be a task, and this can lead to slow progression in the sport. Moreover, heavy shoes leave your legs prone to injuries since the shoes increase the chances of landing awkwardly on your feet. Besides, wrestling regulations put a cap on the weight of shoes to prevent fatal injuries on participants.

Moisture Control

Wrestling is a highly active sport; therefore, you need shoes that can keep moisture accumulation under control. Most wrestling shoes are well ventilated to allow for natural air circulation into and out of the shoes. However, while adequately ventilated wrestling shoes can keep your feet feeling aerated, you need shoes that will keep your feet dry at all times. The reason is that sweaty feet feel slippery, which is uncomfortable when you are trying to establish a perfect grip. For this reason, you need to choose shoes with an inside liner that wicks away accumulating moisture. The coating ensures that your feet stay dry throughout training sessions and wrestling competitions.   

About Me

Ron's Recreation Blog

Yo! My name is Ron and this is my recreation blog. I would like to invite you all to read the interesting articles which I have published here. I decided to write these articles so I could educate others about the joy of getting involved with your local recreational or sporting group. I got involved in sports for the first time last September and since then I have improved my fitness and made many new friends. I was put off from joining the group because I felt I didn't have enough knowledge so I hope what I have written here will help others.



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